Hit Club Adult Winter League is back for a fourth year. We are sold out and not taking any additional teams this winter.
Current league members can get udpated stats and standings here.
Leagues use a pitching machine at a set speed range between 50 and 75mph. Each team feeds balls to the other team, and everyone on the roster hits. Teams play a doubleheader against another team. We also have the option for teams to play solo where there isn't a live opponent.
January 7th through March 24th
10 weeks of doubleheader games
2 weeks of playoffs
Teams will be tiered for playoffs based upon total runs scored.
You can choose pitch speed between 50-75mph.
Teams will either battle head to head or play individual games. Every week you are trying to score the most runs regardless of who you are playing. Head to head games are played on Sunday afternoons.
Your team either plays Sunday 2pm to 8pm (Up to 20 teams available), or we have some various other times available.
Each head to head game will be scheduled for two hours so teams should have time for warm up's or practice after the games conclude. If playing a solo game you have one hour to complete two games (20 minutes per game on average).